2022 MINISTERS MEETING - What to expect Kathy FinleySeptember 22, 2022State Events, Ministers Meeting
Charlottesville Women's Conference - October 21-22 Kathy FinleySeptember 21, 2022Local Church Ministries, Conference, Women's Ministries
Free Pew Chairs for Church in Need Kathy FinleySeptember 20, 2022FREE RESOURCE, Local Church Ministries
Passing of Rev. Roy Olsen of Romania and Chesapeake, Va Kathy FinleySeptember 16, 2022Funeral, WORLD MISSIONS
Funeral arrangements for Curtis Chandler, Kelly Gore's Grandfather Kathy FinleySeptember 13, 2022Funeral
Danville Central Blvd - Women's Conference - October 1 Kathy FinleySeptember 8, 2022Local Church Ministries, Conference, Women's Ministries
Ministry Opportunity as Children's and Families Pastor (Danville) Kathy FinleyAugust 12, 2022Ministry Opportunity
Funeral arrangements for Mamie Newman, Mother of Pastor Danny Newman Kathy FinleyAugust 11, 2022Funeral
A message from Dr. Tim Hill, General Overseer, Roe v. Wade Overturned Kathy FinleyJune 30, 2022International Offices
Ministerial Care Offers Podcast and More Kathy FinleyJune 29, 2022International Offices, Ministerial Care
Still Time to Give to CM22 WORLD MISSIONS Offering Kathy FinleyJune 27, 2022State Events, Camp Meeting, WORLD MISSIONS