REVITALIZE Small Churches
VA news about Vital Initiative

Vital Initiative FINISH Commitment
FIND the small church pastor who is disconnected and discouraged (Revalue)
INTERCEDE in prayer for the Holy Spirit to breathe creative insights and strategy to FINISH the Great Commission in your context. One size fits all approach doesn’t work. (Reclaim)
NETWORK of small church pastors, building relationships, greater connectivity district level. (Reclaim)
INVEST in small churches by offering gatherings for pastors and spouses, state wide conferences, resources, and training from a small church perspective. (Revitalize)
SEND small church pastors out to reach the generations, especially millennials who are looking for authenticity and craving relationships. Small churches are uniquely equipped to fill this role. (Reclaim)
HARVEST of souls born into the Kingdom through the ministry of strategic small churches. Time is too short to wait too long! (Revitalize)

Robert & Kasi Meredith serve as the State Facilitator’s of the VITAL INITIATIVE. Pastor Robert is an Ordained Bishop in the Church of God and the Lead Pastor of the Rocky Mount Church of God. They have been blessed with three wonderful children.
For more information about the VITAL INITIATIVE you can contact him at