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A Message from our Administrative Bishop
Virginia Will GO! The women and men who serve and lead our Church across the commonwealth are passionate agents of the Great Commission. We understand not only our responsibility, not only our obligation, but also our privilege of sharing Christ with a lost world. Not one of us is comfortable with the fact that men, women, boys, and girls from our communities are lost without Christ. This burden forces us to come to terms with some new realities:
· It is harder than ever to get people to come to church services.
· What once worked to inspire people to come to church is no longer effective.
· Just “having church” is no longer an effective way of reaching our communities for Christ.
· We must never compromise our Message, but our methods of ministry may need to be adjusted.
As always, when we face a dilemma, the Word of God holds our solutions. Basic Biblical truths about ministry are still true and still effective. Luke 19:10 tells us, “The Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost;” and Paul wrote to Timothy, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners,” (1 Timothy 1:15.) Not many sinners want to come to church. We must seek them out.
I believe it’s time for us to take to the community the blessings of God that have been poured out in our church services.
Let’s memorize these phrases:
· My community is my Mission Field.
· Real “Church” begins when the church service concludes.
· What happens in the church can’t stay in the church building.
· Every Christian is a missionary.
· Church service is not just a place to be blessed; it is a place to be equipped, empowered, and entrusted with ministry outside the four walls.
I am asking every Pastor, minister, and church member in Virginia to embrace the passion to share Jesus with the lost.
“A GOING Church” isn't the next catchphrase; it is the command of God for His Church in Virginia. If we do not GO, we are disobedient to the Lord and His Word.
I am confident of a few things: God will bless churches that GO. If we focus on the lost rather than focusing on growing our churches, He will increase our churches.
Let’s be intentional and strategic: Let’s plan our GOING to the lost.
Let’s be “A GOING Church.”
We are blessed to have incredible leadership who are passionate and innovative. Most of our team have a rich history in Virginia, and all of our team are excited about our future. Meet our leadership team who serves the Church of God in Virginia.
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