Still Time to Give to CM22 WORLD MISSIONS Offering


Hello Pastors,

We have had a record response to this year's Camp Meeting World Missions Offering. To date, we have exceeded $160,000 and the good news is that there is still time to participate if you haven't yet done so.

If you send in your offering by this Friday, July 1, to the State Office, it will be counted with this historic offering. (You may also use this link to give online: .)

You don't want to miss out on this opportunity to impact the Global Harvest.

Another project that is still ongoing with all proceeds going towards World Missions is the recently published book by the late Rev. Bob Collins, titled: “From Prophecy to Pit, Prison, and Palace.” If you are interested click button below to make a purchase for $10 donation and the State Office will ship the book to you free.

Together, Virginia Church of God is making a difference in reaching our world for Christ.

Dr. Rodney Vickers
Chairman, State World Missions Board