New Ways to Reach a New Generation - by Bishop Chad Fickett


FAll 2024 ISSUE | 5 minute read

The one constant I have found in ministry is change. How we minister, where we minister, and to whom we minister seem to change constantly. That may be why ministry dropout rates continue to trend so highly. Our vocation, however, is to consistently preach and teach about one who is eternal and never changing. Sometimes, we get so frustrated with fighting change that we never actually deal with it. It's okay to say, "Things are changing, and it is okay." Revivals always come in different manners and by different methods. God cannot be put in a box.


Evangelism is an ever-changing ministry about a never-changing God. Our message stays the same, but the methods change because culture demands it. I do a lesson for youth leaders called "Meet Generation Z." This lesson focuses on understanding your audience and how to communicate with them. For instance, if you were preaching to someone from Generation Alpha (students born 2013-present) and mentioned Princess Diana, you may have lost part of your audience. They do not know who she is or even was. You must find a way to connect that illustration to a student who has never heard of Princess Di. Likewise, to reach Virginia's lost students, we need to know our audience and utilize methods they are familiar with to achieve them. They do not speak as we spoke; many will not attend church simply because they got a handout.


The generation that is currently worshipping in your student ministry center is Generation Alpha. These students were born between 2010 and the present. This generation began with the launch of the iPad and various applications that would later hold us all hostage to its bright screen. They are digital and navigate/rely on technology for most of their lives and livelihoods. We must adapt and change methods to reach a digital group of people. How do we do that?


First, let me remind you that the most incredible tool you must use to reach students for Christ is the Acts 1:8 promise, "You shall receive Power." No matter how daunting it is to reach students for Christ, we have the Power of the Holy Ghost to enable us and empower today's methods. His power anointed the Apostles to reach various nations and cultures for Christ. That power is still available to us. RELY ON THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT TO GUIDE YOU. All around our country, the Holy Ghost has been moving. Just two years ago, the Asbury Revival broke out, hungry students' lives were transformed, and many were called to preach. God is still moving amongst our students in America.


Secondly, let me challenge you to make genuine connections with these students. Building a connection with Gen Z and the Alpha generations will require you to be intentional. Too much of what happens in student ministries is not intentional. Be Intentional. Be willing to empathize with and understand their experiences and challenges. Let them have a role in the church of today. This deliberate connection is not just a strategy but a way to show them the love and acceptance of Christ. We must understand their unique needs and preferences to minister to them. Some possible new ways may be:


Leveraging Technology

·   Social Media and Online Platforms: Use platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube to create engaging content addressing their concerns and interests.

·   Digital Content: Develop blog posts, videos, and podcasts that offer practical advice, spiritual guidance, and inspiring stories.

·   Online Communities: Foster online communities where students can connect, share experiences, and receive support.

Building Genuine Connections

·   Intentional Relationships: Invest time building genuine relationships with students, demonstrating empathy and understanding.

·   Youth-Led Initiatives: Empower students to take ownership of their faith by involving them in leadership roles and decision-making processes.

·   Mentorship Programs: Pair older students with younger ones to provide guidance, support, and a sense of belonging.

The Power of the Holy Spirit

·   Divine Empowerment: Rely on the Holy Spirit to guide and empower us in our ministry efforts.

·   Testimony and Experience: Share personal testimonies and experiences to inspire and encourage students.

·   Prayer and Intercession: Prioritize prayer for the spiritual growth and salvation of Generation Alpha.


Reaching Generation Alpha requires a fresh approach that leverages technology, builds genuine connections, and relies on the power of the Holy Spirit. By understanding their unique needs and adapting our methods, we can effectively minister to this new generation and help them discover the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

Bishop Chad Fickett
Youth & Discipleship Director
Virginia Church of God State Office