Changing Ministry in an Ever-Changing World- by Bishop Travis Gore


FALL 2024 ISSUE | 4 minute read

Thirty years ago, as a freshman at what was then Lee College, I sat in a Survey of Christian Education class that was taught by Dr. Hubert Seals. On that day, we discussed the ministry methods used in the local church. Dr. Seals made a statement that day that I will forever remember and one that has served me well in my ministry journey. Here's what he said, "There are three things that never change, The Master, The Message, and The Mission; and there are three things that are always changing, The Methods, The Mindsets, and The Ministry." I quickly jotted that down in my notebook, but what I didn't realize was that it would be forever stamped upon my heart.


Let's be honest, ministry in this current culture is extremely challenging! We are navigating through waters that we have never traveled before. Spiritually and morally, we have crossed a line that would cause our forefathers to blush. The world is rapidly changing, and the church is faced not only with a daunting challenge, but a very serious choice. How do we adjust and do ministry in our current context?


If the COVID pandemic taught us anything, it was that a crisis can never be wasted, and changing times demand that the church find new ways and new methods to do ministry. Before you start throwing stones at me, I am not suggesting that the church water down the truth of God's Word, or ease over into hyper-grace theology, or embrace a liberal agenda. Remember, the Master, the Message, and the Mission never change. Without compromise or apologies, we preach Christ and Him crucified and strive to reach men and women who are far from God.


Using Jesus as our example, we understand that He never utilized the same methods to perform a miracle or supernaturally heal anyone. He used waterpots to produce wine. He used five loaves and two fish to feed a multitude. He implemented saliva and mud to heal a man born blind. If anyone understood the need to employ different methods to do effective ministry, it was our Lord.


The question then remains: How do we do effective ministry in an ever-changing world? I would offer the following:


1.     Strive to know and understand the culture and community that God has placed you in. You probably can’t change the culture of that community, but you can change the mindset and culture of a church.

2.     Surrender yourself to the fact that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you cannot expect instant results. It takes time!

3.     Strategize with others to create new and innovative ways to do ministry.

4.     Surround yourself with people who complement your areas of weakness with their ministry gifts.

5.     Submit to the working and the leading of the Holy Spirit. He'll give you divine insight and a strategy for ministry. You simply must be open to what He's saying. Out-of-the-box and new is not a bad thing.

Bishop Travis Gore
State Ministries Director
Virginia Church of God State Office