APRIL 13, 2021 - COVID-19 FUNERAL ASSISTANCE Available Through FEMA: Click this link for more details on getting reimbursed for funeral expenses if COVID-19 is listed on the death certificate.
March 19, 2020
A Statement from
Administrative Bishop
Joseph Mirkovich
on the COVID-19 Pandemic
The following are ideas that you can consider for implementation. This page will be updated as new ideas are received. Send suggestions to
Ideas to Care for the Congregation
Assign segments of the congregation to staff or key leaders who will contact these congregants on a regular basis. Frequency of contact should depend upon the circumstances of the congregant.
Use group text to stay in contact with congregants (many free apps will allow you to set up and maintain lists and groups).
Create prayer stations around the exterior of the church where people can stop by and spend time in prayer.
Record a brief update each day to share on the church’s social media outlets (stick to words of encouragement – let the government officials deal with the processes and procedures).
Collect essential items that members of the congregation might need and distribute those items in a safe manner.
Alternate Possibilities for Worship
Streaming (Facebook Live, Zoom, YouTube, Vimeo, Etc.)
Do service live
Record a service and distribute via your website and social media outlets.
Home gatherings led by staff and key leaders (follow CDC guidelines for group size)
Parking lot service where attendees remain in their car and listen to the service on their radio (third party assistance needed)
Steps to Encourage/Maintain Giving
Establish online giving if not currently available. (Check out,,, etc.)
Send a letter and stewardship envelopes to all current givers who do not utilize your online giving platform informing them that they can mail their tithe and offering to the church.
Encourage your givers to utilize their bank’s bill pay functionality to set up the church as a “payee.”
Ministering to Your Community
Set up a drive-through prayer station in your church’s parking lot.
Distribute bag lunches and meals from a station set up in your church’s parking lot.
Pay a fee to target social media posts to segments of your community (provide encouragement through the message).