Regional Worship Gatherings
Diane and I are looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible in our Regional Worship Gatherings. Leadership and laity alike are invited to be a part of the Worship Services. Find a location near you and make plans to attend.
October 10 - Kempsville (Virginia Beach)
October 11 - Victory Tabernacle (Richmond)
October 17 - Covenant Fellowship (Bristol)
October 25 - Encounter (Fredericksburg)
October 27 - Valley Church (Roanoke)
If you are a minister, please complete the Jotform Registration linked here and let us know if you are able to stay following these worship services for a time of fellowship with light refreshments. Your participation in early registration will provide each host pastor and staff with the needed information for preparation. Here is a link to the website with more information: Regional Worship Gatherings Webpage. Thanks in advance for your help and I look forward to seeing each of you as we gather to worship!
God's Best,
Virginia Church of God
Toby S. Morgan
Administrative Bishop