2022 Women's Ministries Meeting - October 4


During our Biennial Ministers Meeting on Tuesday, October 4, Diane Morgan (Virginia’s new Director of Women’s Discipleship) will be hosting a Women’s Ministries Meeting in the dining hall on the State Office Campus. Below is a memo from her to all our pastors’ spouses and ministers’ spouses about the day’s events.


Pastors' Spouses and Ministers' Spouses,

Greetings!  It is a joy and a privilege to serve with you in the great state of Virginia.  I am hoping to see you at our State Ministers Meeting which will be held Monday and Tuesday, October 3 and 4, at the Valley Church in Roanoke. At 7:00pm on Monday night we will have a worship service together. 
The schedule for Tuesday for our Women’s Ministries Meeting (in the cafeteria on the campground) follows:
9:00am – 10:00am               Refreshments
10:00am – Noon                  Women’s Information & Inspiration
Please join us as we share information about our WWAM project, Smoky Mountain Children’s Home, and our 2023 Believe Women’s Retreat. 

So we may prepare in advance with our caterer, RSVP using the button below. I look forward to seeing all of you on October 3 and 4!

Diane Morgan
Women's Discipleship Director