Ministry Opportunity as Music Pastor at Rocky Mount COG


Position: Music Pastor (co-vocational)
Location: Rocky Mount Church of God

Principal Function: To serve as the administrative head as well as the spiritual leader of the total music program.  To delegate responsibilities as well as to enthusiastically encourage and support all who work in music ministry.  To be spiritually alive and growing in the knowledge of music ministry.  To be progressive, aggressive, enthusiastic, farsighted, and versatile. To provide an atmosphere where everyone is encouraged to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth.

General Responsibilities:

  • Prepare music for Sunday morning, Wednesday night, and special events.

  • Audition all prospective vocalists and musicians.

  • Recruit and train all prospective sound, lighting, and multi-media crew.

*Additional responsibilities & compensation will be outlined in the detailed job description.*

Priority at the Rocky Mount Church of God is ministry. All employees are asked to remember that no matter where you go you are Christ’s representative and also a representative of this church.

Watch your life and doctrine closely.  Continue in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.   (I Timothy 4:16)

For more information:

  • Pastor Robert Meredith (540) 250-2610

  • Email:

  • Website: