Jason Shupe is Available as Evangelist


Greetings my fellow pastoral friends,

My name is Jason Shupe and I live in the Martinsville-Henry County area of Virginia. I am an Ordained Bishop in the Church of God. I served the Collinsville-Upper Room church for over 18 years. I was associate pastor/music minister under the leadership of my grandfather, the late Rev Paul Lewis. I was also the lead pastor until September of this year.

In the beginning of 2021, I began to feel a leading in my spirit to step out in faith fully believing God to direct my next steps in a new season of ministry. I sought counsel from our administrative bishop and with his blessings, I resigned as Pastor on September 12, 2021. Since then I’ve been visiting area churches and also making myself available to speak. That opportunity has reignited the passion and desire to preach and minister the gospel.

I humbly request that you prayerfully consider having me come to your church for a Sunday, special service, weekend revival, or as God leads. I also minister musically, singing and playing the piano. One of my strengths is in the altar and praying for people. I’ve been used greatly of the Lord in this fashion. Witnessing God’s work in the altar causes me great joy.

You may contact me either by Facebook messenger under Jason Shupe, email at shupejason@yahoo.com, or call/text at 276-734-1044.

God bless each of you and I thank you for your consideration.

Rev. M. Jason Shupe

Kathy FinleyEvangelists, Revival