Bishop Tim Hill Calls for Racial Reconciliation and National Healing

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Faith News Release June 2, 2020

Cleveland, TN: As racial strife and discord continues to reverberate across our nation, Dr. Timothy M. Hill, General Overseer of the Church of God, has called for the Church of God family to pray for reconciliation and national healing:

“As I have stated before, racism is a sin – and God despises it. I have also unequivocally condemned racist acts against all people. Such actions should never be tolerated by a God-fearing society. Every man, woman, boy, and girl were created in the image of God. Regardless of race, color, or national origin, every living person has a soul.

To bring racial reconciliation and healing to our nation, we must all work together and seek the face of God for His divine direction, intervention, and peace. Violence and destructive behavior do not bring solutions, but only create further division.

As a family of believers, I am calling on everyone associated with the Church of God to pray for a healing in our land.”

In addition to numerous social media posts and recent articles in Faith News, a livestream event was broadcast on the Church of God’s Facebook page on Sunday night, May 31, in which different leaders within the church spent time in prayer over the racial tensions facing the United States. A recording of that event can be accessed by visiting