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Download The Virginian magazine issues as a PDF document using the links below. Click the hypertext and download the file as a PDF from Dropbox. It does NOT require you to have an account to download or to print. Note these files have been compressed. With that compression, many of the images may appear blurry, which is to be expected.
The Virginian is published four times a year (once per quarter for each season) and produced by Virginia Church of God State Office. The periodical caters primarily to the interests of Virginia Church of God leaders including senior pastors; youth, music, and children’s ministers; as well as lay leaders across the commonwealth. It contains a variety of articles for those working or volunteering in church ministry as well as promotion materials for upcoming events.
Starting with the Winter 2023 Issue of The Virginian, the magazine became web-based and user-friendly on all mobile devices as well as desktop computers. We strive to continue to expand the experience of the periodical with more interactive content and efficient access to specific information.
Print copies will continue to be available for download if you prefer a printer-friendly format.