The Missionary Pastor - Breakfast


In a recent email about Prayer Conference "More" 2024, we shared brief information about a special Pastors' Breakfast that would be held in conjunction with Prayer Conference weekend. "The Missionary Pastor" Pastors' Breakfast will be held at the Danville-River Oak Church on Saturday, February 17 starting at 8:30 AM for pastors, ministers, and their spouses. Dr. M. Thomas Propes, General Director of Church of God World Missions will be our guest speaker for the event.

Registration is now open.  LINK:

Don't delay. Register soon for you and your spouse to attend "The Missionary Pastor" Pastors' Breakfast.  This event has limited seating so reserve your spot soon.

I hope all our Virginia Church of God ministers and their spouses will plan to attend.

Bishop Toby S. Morgan
Church of God in Virginia