Send Pics from Smoky Mountain Gathering


A note from our Virginia Church of God Spirit Care Coordinator, Rev. David Hagee is shared below:

As most of you know, the Smoky Mountain Gathering is happening on April 26-28 in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. We always have a great crowd attend every year, and I trust you are making plans to take your senior adults. I always try to get pictures of everyone and every group that attends from Virginia.

This year we want even more photos so I am asking for anyone who attends from Virginia to please send pics to me ( or to Kathy at the State Office ( so they can be used in our Spirit Care, “Dominion Takers” newsletter. This is news sent out to all our retired ministers, spouses, and widows quarterly. I know I always miss someone so I’m counting on you to take pictures as well. 📸📸📸

Yours for the Master,

David Hagee

Spirit Care Coordinator