Rev. David Hagee Appointed to International SpiritCare Committee


In order to more fully minister to the needs of the retired ministers, their wives and widows in the Church of God, a SpiritCare Committee was appointed by the director of the Center For Ministerial Care, Tim Maness. This committee consists of six state/regional representatives and our very own Bishop David Hagee was appointed to this committee. The purpose of the committee is to assist the general director of the Center for Ministerial Care in developing and implementing the program of SpiritCare.

We are very proud to have Brother Hagee and Sister Janice involved in SpiritCare ministry in Virginia and even more proud of all their accomplishments in ministry and to have him represent our state on this commitee!

In the Fall/Winter issue of their Connection newsletter, Brother Hagee shared an article titled, Getting To Know Our Team, which we have reprinted below for you to read:


My name is David E. Hagee, and I am married to Janice Elaine Hagee. We have two children Joy and Eric, who have blessed us with five grand kids and two great grandkids.

After finishing Lee College in 1970, we began our ministry in Virginia. I have served as Evangelist, Pastor, District Pastor, and on many boards and committees. For the past 25 years I have worked in the Virginia State Office on several levels. I have served as State Evangelism Director, Ministries Director and now serve as the SpiritCare Coordinator.

Part of my portfolio as Evangelism Director was senior adults, as well as representative to the retired ministers and widows. I am thankful for the opportunity to work with our retired ministers and widows in Virginia.

The leadership of Virginia has always seen to it that our retired ministers and widows are taken care of both physically and spiritually. Our State Bishops have gone the extra mile to make sure that they are loved and cared for and have played a key role in all that is accomplished. We have a highly active SpiritCare committee that assists in helping our retirees in Virginia.

As the Spiritcare Coordinator, I am actively committed to the spiritual nurturing and encouraging of our retired ministers and widows. My goal is to aid them, along with the local church, by coordinating exciting events, banquets, and activities that keep our ministerial couples and widows connected. Another part of my goal is to make sure that they are not in need, and they are cared for both physically and spiritually.

It is a high honor to serve on the SpiritCare Representatives Committee, appointed by Dr. Tim Manness, Director of the Center for Ministerial Care. Along with Dr. Tim Manness’s administrative assistant, Donna Higgins and Dr. Harold Bowman, Chairman of SpiritCare Representative Committee. They have helped me in developing the future vision that I have for the retired ministers and widows in Virginia. —- DEH