Paul L. Walker Center Established by Lee University


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Lee University School of Theology and Ministry Establishes the Paul L. Walker Center for Pentecostal Preaching

The School of Theology and Ministry at Lee University recently won a Lilly grant to establish a center of Pentecostal preaching excellence. The Paul L Walker Center for Pentecostal Preaching is the result of winning that 5-year grant. The PLW Center is focused on enhancing the robust evangelistic potential of the Pentecostal preacher in this post-modern context.  

A primary feature of The PLW Center is mentoring. Each year a cohort of mentor and mentees will be launched. This year the mentors are myself, Drew Eastes, Dr. Wilmer Estrada, Renee Talley and Dr. Mark Williams. Each mentor will receive 10 mentees they will nurture over a 2-year period. This mentoring will include ministerial soul health, cultural competency, sermon construction & delivery, and media proficiency in preaching.  

In addition to the personal mentoring, conferences and resource access will deepen the impact of the experience. The motivation for this kind of approach is to see good preachers evolve to great preachers. I believe this will maximize the impact of the local church and lift the preaching quality of the entire COG denomination.  

Submitted by: Dr. Steve Hall, Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry