MIP/CAMS Deadline/Credentialing Dates



  • Applications for new ministers and those who wish to advance in rank can be obtained directly from VACOG website at the following link:  www.vacog.org/ministerial-development

  • Any applicant or their spouse that’s had a divorce in the past, he or she must submit their application by January 31, 2023. This deadline has been established so that candidates can complete and submit the appropriate documentation and subsequently appear before the Licensure Review Committee. All other applicants must have their application in by June 1, 2023.


Ministerial testing dates for 2023:

  • March 21 at 9:00 AM- Church of God State Office, Roanoke, VA

  • March 23 9:00 AM- Enon Church of God, Chester, VA

  • October 24 9:00 AM- Church of God State Office, Roanoke, VA

  • October 26 9:00 AM- Enon Church of God, Chester, VA


  • If you are planning on testing in 2023, be sure to attend one of the credentialing review sessions scheduled for February 4 or September 16 from 12:00 PM until 3:00 PM.

  • The review sessions will take place via ZOOM. Once you have purchased your study guide, please email kelly@vacog.org and the link will be emailed to you. 


For more information and to download all necessary applications and paperwork, please visit  www.vacog.org/ministerial-development