Meet & Greet Gatherings with the Whitters


Credentialed Ministers and Spouses,

Here’s your chance to come out and meet the Whitters!

Please make plans to join us in your region as we welcome our new Administrative Bishop and his wife, Rick and Letha Whitter. The Whitters would love to connect with you and get to know you better. Light refreshments will be served, and there will also be time for Q and A with Bishop Whitter.

If you are unable to attend the gathering in your region, feel free to choose one that is more convenient.

Please register no later than a week prior to your location’s event.

We look forward to seeing you!


8/16 @ 7 PM  Northern VA Region: Encounter Church of God
8/17 @ NOON Tidewater Region: VA Beach-Kempsville Church of God
8/20 @ 7 PM  Roanoke Valley Region: Campground/Hagee Dining Hall
8/22 @ 7 PM  SW VA Region: Abingdon-Trigg Street Church of God
8/27 @ 7 PM  Central VA Region: Chester-Enon Church of God