Hurricane Relief for Soul's Harbor Church (Punta Gorda, FL)


Recently Bishop Morgan sent out an appeal via email and by snail-mail in reference to an offering for the Soul’s Harbor Church in Punta Gorda, Florida. The church was devastated by Hurricane Ian and they are having to rebuild. Below is the information he sent previously to pastors as well as a link for photos to use in your church as you share about this offering.

Helping Our Church Family

At our recent Ministers Meeting we accepted a challenge to adopt the Punta Gorda, Soul's Harbor Church of God in Florida. This church was in the center of the massive hurricane which devastated such a large swath of the state and left this church with massive needs. I checked with Administrative Bishop Tim Brown and was told the deductibles, due to the nature of the storm and insurance, was going to be $80,000.00. That's right, EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS IN DEDUCTIBLES!

I am asking every church in Virginia to band together over the next few days and to receive an offering for the Soul's Harbor Church of God in Punta Gorda, Florida. Pastors, on October 16, please express this staggering need to your congregation and give the great saints in Virginia an opportunity to give toward this need. If you are not a pastor, please join with Diane and me and let's do our best to assist our church family in Florida.

Send your offering to the State Office and we will ensure every dime goes to our adopted church in Florida. Thank you for your generosity!

—Bishop Toby S. Morgan, Administrative Bishop