From Our Heart -Cruz Mario & Keydi Paniagua


10 weeks ago our relatives in Venezuela were affected by COVID. Unfortunately in less than 1 week Keydi's father and grandfather died. His mother was also very affected and she is still recovering.

It was difficult to smile for the next few days ...

We have been through really difficult situations before, but we are at a stage where we feel very vulnerable. As the days go by, we try again and again to understand the Lord's will for this time. There has been a lot of silence and sadness. God is definitely using chaos and pain to build us up.

Faced with this, we have decided to take the position of trust that the Lord knows what is best for us.

On the “bad day” we must be convinced and remember over and over the times that the Lord has been faithful. For an event or experience, however catastrophic it may seem, we cannot deny his care for us, nor cancel those other times of joy where the "daily miracle" abounds.

The Lord is our God in good days, but also in our bad days, and we are sure that adding up, the good days are more. So gratitude is the best cure for pain, knowing that there are blessings on the other side of brokenness.

In the past few days, we have turned toward family, spiritual, and emotional stability. Thank God we were able to get Keydi's mother out of Venezuela. Now, there is no one from our close family there.

We want to thank and sympathize with those who have supported us in prayer and helped us to continue paying medical and funeral expenses. We have not been the only ones, we have lost friends and in some way we have all been reached and we pray to the Lord for his continued care.

Still, we want to share the blessings that were happening as we lived through the brokenness,

We hug you,

Cruz Mario & Keydi Paniagua.

The Paniaguas

The Paniaguas

Kathy Finley