Don't Miss Early Bird Pricing for VACOG Youth Camp
Teen & Junior Talent registration is closed
Teen & Junior Talent Competition for the Virginia Church of God Youth Department will be held on March 29th at Celebration Church in Roanoke. Please note, registration to participate in the competition is now closed.
But registration for the Virginia Church of God Youth Camp is OPEN. Get all the details below.
Early Bird pricing ends May 1!
Secure your spot for Youth Camp before May 1st to enjoy early bird savings! Expect powerful messages, worship, and unforgettable experiences. Don't miss out!
TRANSFORMED LIVES At a Virginia Church of God Youth Camp, young people have time to consider their walk with God. This break from the craziness of their regular routine allows campers to think about their future, to evaluate unhealthy patterns, and to discover the truth that God loves them and has an amazing plan for their lives. We strive to see that every service is thoughtfully crafted and dedicated to seeing students encounter the Holy Spirit. Through a combination of worship and engaging teachings, we strive to provide an environment where they can truly connect with God.
ADULT MENTORS According to researchers, kids spend on average less than 40 minutes in meaningful conversation with their parents each week. At camp, caring adults, cabin leaders and mentors come alongside campers, helping them think through decisions and experiences in a way that will prepare them for their future. Many campers point back to a positive role model they met at camp as one who helped shape the direction of their lives.
NATURE AND ADVENTURE Virginia Church of God Youth Camp is set in one of the most beautiful spots in Virginia surrounded by the Blue Ridge Mountains. Campers explore nature, participate in new adventures, and test their limits in a healthy environment surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation.
LIFELONG FRIENDSHIPS Good friends who exert positive peer pressure can make all the difference in a kid's life. Friendships with caring adults and other campers, forged through shared experience and the compressed time at camp, can last a lifetime and provide a connection that helps young people navigate the challenges of life.
TEMPORARY COMMUNITY In a setting separate from their daily routine, with an opportunity to shed the expectations and pressures of others, campers are freed up to truly be themselves, to live above artificial limitations and blossom into who they were created to be.
SPIRITUAL FOCUS Getting close to God’s creation and away from the noise and technology that consume teen life gives students a chance to hear from God, perhaps for the first time. With engaging, relevant speakers and time for you to help students process what they’re learning and hearing in service each day, many will come face-to-face with God’s love in a life-changing way.
For students, a week at camp is exciting, fun, loud, and sometimes even messy. But those things don’t bring about life-change on their own. My own life has been impacted by Church of God Youth Camp both as a camper and a worker. Don't miss an opportunity to change the life of a student and possibly your own.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to work at camp this summer! The registration deadline for camp workers is May 1st. Secure your spot today and get ready for an unforgettable experience! #summercamp #campwork #deadlineapproaching