Administrative Bishop’s Response to the White House's "Transgender Day of Visibility"


Joseph Mirkovich, State Administrative Bishop for the Church of God in Virginia, releases the following statement in response to the White House concerning the announcement and declaration of “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

“I’m deeply troubled by the announcement from the White House concerning ‘Transgender Day of Visibility.’ President Biden made intentional mention in his inaugural address of his desire to bring America together. This action does not meet those criteria, in fact it goes in the opposite direction.

The Church of God abhors any type of discrimination, harassment, and inequality towards anyone. The scripture tells us that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” in the image of God. I am saddened by our government’s war on behavior and lifestyles that are promoted throughout the Bible. Genesis 1:27 clearly states that ‘God created man in His own image in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.’

The action by the White House allows persons now to select X gender on the state department issued passports and social security records. The issue that requires schools to affirm the self-selected gender identity of students and prohibits state laws that would mandate otherwise is another attack. This along with several other steps the President announced that his administration will take will work against state laws that limit how transgender athletes compete.

There is no question that the church faces a serious challenge. It is time to stand and call sinful behavior exactly what it is. We must also show compassion and mercy towards those that are struggling with sinful behavior. The Lord Jesus became flesh, suffered, and died, rose on the third day to forgive, and cleanse us from our sins. This is the message of hope!

I ask the Church of God in Virginia to take a stand today against this apostate challenge. Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Make a stand for righteousness and truth as outlined in the scriptures. Understanding that we must maintain a heart to see the lost and dying world won to Jesus Christ. ‘So, then brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by the letter.’ (II Thessalonians 2:15) NIV”

Joseph Mirkovich
State Administrative Bishop,
Church of God in Virginia